Note History doesnt work
Tried the free version and liked it but it didnt record a note history, which the full version boasts. So bought the full version for that purpose and i greatly regret it. The note history, for one thing, cant be cleared. But then it only shows the last 7 notes anyway, and it has never once actually shown the correct sequence of notes that i played. It also wont show the same note if it is played twice in a row. It shows a correct note here or there plus a lot of incorrect notes that were never even played. It often seems to be laying notes down randomly, sometimes going to a lower note when it should be going to a higher one. The lack of accuracy is both profound and disgusting. It does do a decent job recognizing notes when the note history is turned off. My recommendation, if the note history is important to you, is to stay with the free app until the developer fixes this one, or perhaps find another. I cant comment on any of the other features.
Logic lunatic about
Magic Stave Midi Recorder